Chairman ACRCC and Precinct 6 Little Salmon Committeeman - Keith Markley
I am privileged to serve as ACRCC chairman and am grateful for the growing team serving in Adams County endeavoring to help the Republican Party help Idaho.
I believe that we live in one of the very best states in the very best country, although I am very concerned about the direction of both. I believe that if we can lay hold of the values and principles that our founding fathers passed on to us we have a chance to reestablish the greatness of our beloved State and Nation. ​

Vice-Chairman ACRCC - Al Partain
For many years now I have been very concerned about the direction our great nation has been heading. I believe in a strong foundation of grass roots level government holding the power with the federal level working for us: “OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people.” Reclaiming our country, holding our values, and holding to the original basis of our country’s ethics can help get us back on track. As a veteran and a staunch supporter of what our forefathers put in the original documents that built our country, I am proud to say I live in Adams County and stand as a member of the republican team.

Precinct 1 Indian Valley Committeeman Jerry Yantis
I'm a pretty quiet person and I don't spout my ideas too often; but I am a committed Republican and a staunch defender of traditional conservative values. I enjoy living in a small rural area and support the minimizing of federal overreach and the localization of government.

Precinct 2 Council Committeeman
Greg Vergari
I'm concerned about the state of the union and how far from the Constitutional Republic that we have moved. I support a small Federal government, returning control to state and local governments and restoring the checks and balances the founding fathers intended.
Getting involved locally is the best way I know how to begin to affect those changes.
Precinct 3 North Council Committeewoman
Jennie Jensen

State Committeeman - Kevin Roach
I am a life-long conservative, an Adams County resident and a graduate of the University of Idaho with a BS degree in Mining Engineering. I am proud to serve our committee as State Committeeman. I believe strongly in the US Constitution and the individual freedoms and liberties it protects as well as the limits it places on our government. I also believe that these gifts must be defended and not taken for granted or they will surely be taken away. Working with Republicans at the local and state level is the best way I know how to do my part.

Precinct 5 New Meadows Committeewoman & 2nd Vice-Chair IDGOP- Viki Purdy
As a native Idahoan who has lived in New Meadows for many years, I have a deep appreciation for our state and all those who call Adams County their home. My husband Dana and I have worked side-by-side as dairy farmers, raising a family and growing a successful business. In addition, I have held numerous political and community leadership roles. I am Pro-Gun, Pro-Life, and Pro-Liberty. I will always uphold and defend our Constitution and the rights and freedoms which it recognizes.

State Youth Committeeman
Owen Ivey
I feel very grateful to be able to serve the Adams County Republican Central Committee as the State Youth Committeeman. I have always had a passion for protecting our conservative values and educating others of the current happenings in government. While in my first year of college, I started up a Turning Point USA chapter to spread conservative ideas across campus and gained so much knowledge from that effort. I am a proud supporter of the US Constitution and believe governments are created solely to preserve our God given rights to Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Treasurer/Secretary & State Committeewoman - Christy Roach
I am honored to serve as our committee's Secretary and Treasurer, where I have been a member since 2012. I am a proud mother of two and grandmother of four. Being a life-long resident of Adams County, I am passionate about conserving our way of life in rural Idaho as well as the conservative values of our nation's founding fathers.